5 things I hate about fall and 5 things I don’t

I love the way the sky looks impossibly blue behind still green leaves.
I don’t like how some leaves turn completely brown.
I love the smell of fallen leaves and the way they sound when you walk through them
I hate the way the fruit from the ginkgo tree makes your feet smell after walking through them
I love the way our sugar maple turns bright orange in the fall.
I hate knowing it will lose all the leaves very soon. (Although birds will be easier to spot when that happens)
I hate the way the black-eyed susans have lost their petals and greenery
But I like the seeds left over that attract the birds.
I dread the falling temperatures.
But I’m looking forward to sitting by a cozy fire.

5 thoughts on “5 things I hate about fall and 5 things I don’t

  1. That was really lovely, the photos and your comments. After such an awfully hot and humid summer in Toronto I’m looking forward to winter this year.


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