Daily Archives: December 2, 2009

Keyboard love

Close up detail of keyboard
Close up detail of keyboard

[Disclaimer: I do not work for Logitech and Logitech has no idea I’m writing this. No free stuff for me.]

My line of work doesn’t extensively use a keyboard. I do use it to type in the occasional tag, but I mostly use a mouse for work, so I’ve not really gotten a chance to use my new keyboard for writing anything longer than a couple of sentences in an email until now when I can actually type.

I have a lot of keyboards in my tech closet. I’d snap a photo of the contents of the closet, but you’d all look away in disgust and never read me again. I don’t like the keyboards that come with computers. I wasn’t always like this. I used to think a keyboard was a keyboard, but when I first discovered wireless keyboards I decided that all my keyboards must be wireless.

Earlier last year I realized that since my work area had no close-by lighting (I don’t like overhead lights and the closest lamp was across the room from me)  I thought an illuminated keyboard would be a welcome addition to my work area. I looked online and saw that several keyboards that lit up were considered “gaming” keyboards. I knew I didn’t need a gaming keyboards. I don’t game. I found one that looked promising, but it cost nearly $80 and I could not justify spending that money when I had at least 5 other keyboards at my disposal. So what if I had to squint to see the number keys? So what if the shift key stuck on the keyboard I preferred? I was not about to spend that kind of money for a little convenience.

Last Friday I’d vowed to not participate in the spending spree that is named Black Friday. I had a lot of work to keep me busy and I didn’t need anything anyway. However, during one break from tagging PDF files I scanned my Google reader list and saw that Staples had the keyboard I wanted for $30. I researched it and saw that most people that owned it loved it, so I ordered it (from Amazon who had the same price but free shipping — I’m disloyal like that) and it arrived on Monday.

Let me tell you — not only does it light up, it also has the most wonderful feel. It is nearly silent and typing on it is a pure pleasure. No sticking. No noise. No force involved — and the keys are not too sensitive. It is perfect. It would have been worth the $80 price tag.

Oh, did I tell you how thin it is? It is as thin as a dinner plate — a bone china dinner plate, not one of those thick things.

Ah, I’m in love. I could write forever.

(IB — it works with a Mac)