‘Raney by Clyde Edgerton’ will make you giggle.

For a good time, read Raney — or pretty much anything by Clyde Edgerton.

Raney is a Southern Baptist. Charles is an Episcopalian, When they marry they set up house in Listre, North Carolina. The story is told through Raney’s voice. It has been several years since I read this book, but remember laughing out loud every couple of pages.

One passage I recall laughing aloud at was when Raney was trying to explain why Southern Baptists didn’t use wine for communion. Something about 3 days not being long enough to ferment the grape juice into wine. Ok, not funny now because I didn’t get it right, but I sure giggled when I read it.

If you’ve never read Edgerton — you’re missing out. I just noticed he has several other books out, so I’ve got more reading to do! See ya!

2 thoughts on “‘Raney by Clyde Edgerton’ will make you giggle.

  1. I’ve tried to get my bookgroup to read an Edgerton book. No takers. Ever.

    He’s going to be in Maryland in April — with his band even. If we’re not visiting St. Andrews at that time, I think I might go see him.

    I’ve read his first three books — including Floatplane Notebooks. I liked all of them.


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