Nightmares of tagging

I’ve been dreaming about tagging for the past few nights. Twice in the past week I’ve been awakened by Dean shaking me in the middle of the night because I was screaming. The tagging I’m talking about is not this kind of tagging:

Tagged by funkandjazz
Tagged by funkandjazz

[photo courtesy of funkandjazz on]

Or this kind of tagging (which looks like fun):

Playing Tag by Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan
Playing Tag by Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan

[photo courtesy of Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan on]

Or this kind of tagging:

Screenshot of tags on
Screenshot of tags on

Or even this kind of tagging (although these nightmares will be coming soon):

Holiday Gocco Gift tags by Sarah Parrot
Holiday Gocco Gift tags by Sarah Parrot

[photo courtesy of Sarah Parrot on]

The kind of tagging that is giving me nightmares is the tagging I do anywhere between 4 and 12 hours a day, 7 days a week:

PDF tags
PDF tags

In the dream I’m in an endless loop of tag, tag, tag, tag, save. Tag, tag, tag, save. Tag, tag, tag, save and then something jumps out of the tags which scares me and I scream. It may be partly because I’ve been watching Dead Like Me while I tag. Maybe I’m waiting for the grim reaper to take me away from all this tagging.

I think I need a new profession. Any recommendations?

5 thoughts on “Nightmares of tagging

    1. Helen — those all sound like fun jobs. Except maybe the zamboni driver one.

      Lali — It’s funny you should say that. I almost put an aside to you in the post asking for a job with you! (On my way, Raynauds syndrome and all)

      Mali — I like that — Lotto winner sounds like a wonderful job.


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